From Gaming Vans to Glam Vans: Expanding Kids Entertainment in Ireland (Part 1)


Welcome to the first part of our series exploring the exciting journey from gaming vans to Glam Vans! In this two-part blog, we will share the story behind our decision to expand our successful gaming van business into the world of pamper parties for kids and young adults in Dublin.

  1. Identifying a Gap in the Market: While our gaming vans have been immensely popular with kids, especially boys, we noticed a gap in the market for a dedicated pamper party service catering to girls and young adults. This realization sparked the idea of creating a luxurious and stylish Glam Van to fill this niche. We wanted to offer a unique, memorable experience that would appeal to a different demographic and provide even more options for kids’ entertainment in Dublin.

  2. Building on Success: Our experience in the gaming van business provided us with valuable insights into what makes a kid’s party truly memorable. We used this knowledge to develop a unique pamper party concept, incorporating popular elements from our gaming vans while adding new, exciting services tailored for a pamper party audience. Drawing inspiration from the high-energy environment of gaming vans, we set out to create a pampering experience that was equally engaging and enjoyable for guests.

  3. Developing a Unique Glam Van Experience: We wanted the Glam Van to offer a one-of-a-kind experience, so we focused on providing a wide range of services and activities that would cater to the diverse interests of our target audience. From red carpet entry and spritzers to nail bars, party boxes, face masks, pedicures, hair chalk, pick & mix, glitz & glamour, karaoke, and hair braiding, we made sure that there was something for everyone. We also added custom Pink Ladies robes, slippers, and headbands for each guest, enhancing the luxurious feel of the experience.

  4. Adapting to the Demographics: While gaming vans primarily attracted boys, we knew that the Glam Van needed to appeal to a broader audience, including girls and young adults. To achieve this, we carefully selected services and activities that would be popular with this demographic, while still providing a fun and engaging experience for all. We also paid close attention to the design and decor of the Glam Van, ensuring it was both visually appealing and comfortable for guests.

  5. Expanding Our Service Area: As our gaming van business grew, we recognized the potential to expand our service area beyond Dublin to include surrounding regions. With the addition of the Glam Van, we were able to extend our reach even further, offering our unique pamper parties to kids and young adults in neighboring areas. This expansion not only broadened our customer base but also solidified our reputation as the premier kids entertainment company in the country.

  6. Preparing for Launch: With the Glam Van concept in place, we needed to prepare for its launch. This involved kitting out the van and running a series of trial parties to ensure we had everything in place for a successful debut. By offering these trial parties, we were able to gather valuable feedback and fine-tune our services before officially launching the Glam Van.

  7. Marketing and Promotion: To build excitement and anticipation for the Glam Van, we implemented a comprehensive marketing campaign, including SEO-driven content, social media promotions, and targeted advertising. We also leveraged our existing gaming van customer base to spread the word about our new pamper party service. By combining these marketing efforts with our reputation for exceptional kids entertainment, we were able to generate substantial interest in the Glam Van before its launch.

  8. Launching the Glam Van: The official launch of the Glam Van was planned to coincide with a large family festival, providing an ideal opportunity to showcase our new service to a wide audience. With over 15,000 people attending the three-day event, this was the perfect platform to introduce the Glam Van to potential customers and demonstrate the unique pamper party experience we had created.

    1. Establishing Pink Ladies as the Number One Kids Entertainment Company: With the successful launch of the Glam Van and the continued popularity of our gaming vans, we are well on our way to becoming the number one kids entertainment company in Ireland. Our commitment to providing unforgettable experiences and top-quality services for kids and young adults has set us apart from our competitors, helping to secure our place at the forefront of the industry.

    2. Looking Ahead: As we continue to grow and evolve, we remain focused on delivering exceptional entertainment experiences that cater to the diverse interests of kids and young adults in Dublin and surrounding areas. We are always exploring new ideas and opportunities to expand our range of services, ensuring that we stay at the cutting edge of kids entertainment.

    Conclusion: The journey from gaming vans to Glam Vans has been an exciting and rewarding one, driven by our passion for creating unforgettable experiences for kids and young adults. As we continue to grow and expand our services, we are proud to be contributing to the vibrant and dynamic kids entertainment scene in Dublin and beyond.

    Stay tuned for Part 2 of our series, where we will delve deeper into the specific services and experiences that make our Glam Van parties truly special!


The Evolution Continues: Pink Ladies Glam Van, a New Chapter in Kids' Entertainment


Top 5 Tips for Hosting the Ultimate Pink Ladies Glam Van Party